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1st Vacation with Bae...don’t sweat it!

So you have a new bae and you two have been exclusive for a few months now and you are ready to travel out of the country and make memories. However, your friends say this is the tale-tale time that you will get signs to see if you two are meant to be together. When you go away with someone, you get to see their habits. Things like how they interact with other people. If they are adventurou; or, even their spending habits. Traveling together creates a space for vulnerability and transparency. Common issues that may arise include: Finding out that you don’t have much to talk about. Finding out that you don’t have much in common Having your pet peeve tested Allowing the little arguments to ruin your trip Finding out you are not compatible. However, you can’t stress out over this amazing experience. See it as an oportunity to share a moment with your partner. Remember, to compromise. Make sure you have open conversation during the trip about how things are going. Take time to enjoy each other and discover new things with and about each other. Don’t let the stress of the trip consume you. Enjoy the moment 

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